Selasa, 26 April 2011

Learning an early love of books

Volunteer Ed Strong read “Whose Shoes? A Shoe for Every Job” to preschoolers Monday at Grace Lutheran Church, as part of a statewide effort to promote early literacy among preschoolers.
CDT/Nabil K. Mark
Lance King, front, and other children listen to volunteer Ed Strong read. Strong read the book to preschoolers at Grace Lutheran Church April 25, 2011. The reading was part of the Smart Start-Centre County early literacy project. CDT/Nabil K. Mark
The Pennsylvania One Book, Every Young Child project has selected “Whose Shoes? A Shoe for Every Job,” a photograph concept book by Stephen R. Swinburne, as the book for this year’s program.
Across the state, the book is being shared with preschoolers in a variety of ways.
Smart Start-Centre County has organized 30 community leaders, such as Strong, to visit early learning sites throughout the county. They will read the book to the children, engage them in a learning activity and give them each a copy of the book to take home

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