Selasa, 05 April 2011


While it might seem unlikely that Apple would roll out a new iPhone just a couple of weeks after its Worldwide Developers Conference in June, that’s exactly what one Korean website is saying will happen.

Apple fans got somber after we reported last week how the company is going to focus on software rather than hardware this year at WWDC, leaving many to wonder if we’ll see an iPhone 5 at all in 2011. But ET News of Korea says never fear, Apple will host a special event just a few weeks later where it will unveil an updated iPhone, continuing its tradition of updating iPhone hardware each year since the device’s original 2007 release.

If, as expected, we don’t see a new iPhone at WWDC, this is only the beginning of a ton of speculation about an iPhone 5 leading up to its release. Apple, of course, had no comment on the report.

Whether or not this rumor pans out, there’s little doubt that Apple could use a boost this summer. The Android platform is now topping just about every smartphone market-share chart, and Apple risks falling farther behind if it waits another whole year before rolling out the iPhone 5.


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