Selasa, 05 April 2011

Chrome and Blackberry most HTML5 compatible browsers

All the browsers of today tout their support for HTML5. The latest offering from Microsoft, Internet Explorer 9, is beating the chests in its HTML5 support and the beauty it brings to the web. So does the recently released Firefox 4 with it’s web o wonder. All these browsers do certain tasks very well. But, where do they actually stand in their all-round support for the HTML5 standard.

We checked for ourselves with the tests at and the results are posted below. In desktop browsers, we consider the current release of Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera. For mobile browsers, iOS, Android, Blackberry and Maemo were chosen.

The Desktop browser comparison is posted below:

Chrome is the clear winner here, followed by Firefox and Opera. As you can see IE9 has a lot of work to do. In fact IE9′s HTML5 score is below that of all the mobile browsers considered below. We also saw how well the available betas of these browsers are faring and looks like Safari has put in a lot of work making it claim the number 2 position after Chrome.

The mobile browsers comparison is posted below:

Surprisingly the leader is blackberry. It’s score is comparable with desktop browsers. iOS Safari follows in with number 2 position. I am confused as to why Google has not merged the Android browser and Chrome source code. It might be good for branding purposes also. Currently manufacturers wrongly brand the Android browser as Chrome Lite, but we can’t blame them for this. Android browser is at third spot followed by Maemo at fourth place.

So now you know whether to believe the marketing hype of the companies like Microsoft and Apple when they talk about HTML5. But, at least the progress made is very encouraging. Go browsers go!


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