Selasa, 26 April 2011

New York Times Bestseller, The Shack, Comes to the Stage

William Paul Young’s New York Times bestseller, The Shack, one of the top 70 best selling books of all time, is coming to the stage in a synthesis of aerial artistry, drama, performance art, interviews with Paul Young, interpretive dance, and music—including songs performed by Danny Gokey, one of the most popular singers in the history of America Idol.
Paul Young has received more than 100,000 e-mails from readers whose lives have radically altered by his novel. We believe it’s time to celebrate those readers and their stories.
“This show will take the experiences people had reading the book and go deeper in a big way. It will be an amazing celebration.” William Paul Young
Stories from The Shack is utilizing to raise funds for the shows, which allows supporters to contribute from $1 - $10,000 dollars, which the producers hope will allow them to bring the show to three additional cities this spring and early summer. Special incentives are offered for any donation over $25 or more, ranging from autographed copies of The Shack, tickets to the show, to William Paul Young coming to a supporter’s city for a personal visit.
Show schedule:
May 8th – Seattle, WA
May 20th – San Diego, CA
June 4th – Boise, ID
June 17th – Denver, CO


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